دوشنبه ۰۴ دی ۱۳۹۶
فراخوان مسابقه مقاله نویسی


IAUNS Essay Competition: International Law and Dokdo/Takeshima Dispute

In accordance with the permission from the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and in order to increase the level of international academic cooperation between Iranian scientific associations and their counterparts in different parts of the world, the Iranian Association for UN Studies jointly with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea organize an essay competition for post-graduate students of international law (Studying in one of the Iranian universities).

The organizers of the competition invite qualified candidates to write a short essay in English (maximum 850 words including footnotes) on the legal status of Dokdo/Takeshima  according to the 1982 UNCLOS and the role that international law can play to solve this long-standing maritime dispute about these areas between Korea and Japan.

The essays should be submitted via email not later than 22:00 (Tehran time) Friday January 19, 2018 to: email address: iauns.ir.2011@gmail.com. In the same time, the students also require to submit an official letter of introduction from their respective university to confirm their status as a post-graduate student of international law.

The authors of the best 10 essays will participate in the final round of the essay competition to present their papers and answer the questions from the jury. The final round will take place in February 2018. The authors of the best two essays will travel to Seoul in spring 2018 for a one-week study visit hosted by Seoul-based academic institutions. All travel expenses will be covered by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Tehran.

فراخوان مسابقه مقاله نویسی
فراخوان مسابقه مقاله نویسی

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