Final report of MUN Security Council on the Appointment of Next UN Secretary General

Final report of MUN Security Council on the Appointment of Next UN Secretary General

Orginal report (in Farsi) prepared by: Mona Karbalaei Amini
Translated by: Fatemeh Hamidia    

In order to promote the abilities of the scholars and university students to make them ready to present effectively in internal & international arenas, Iranian Association for UN Studies with cooperation of United Nations Information Center (UNIC), held the MUN Security Council on the Appointment of Secretary General of the United Nations on 19 October 2016 with the presence of the attendees, in English   at the UNIC in Tehran.

In the beginning, the Director of UNIC in Tehran, Mrs. Maria Dotsenko, saying her appreciation to Iranian Association for UN Studies, welcomed the attendees, expressing her gratitude of organizing a MUN & wished the attendees success. Later on, the retired diplomat & former social & economic ambassador of Iran to United Nations, Mr. Baqer Assadi, took the president seat as Russian ambassador (periodic president of Security Council in October 2016) & commenced the session as session # 9973. Asked each delegation to read its position paper in support of each candidate as the next Secretary General. It’s essential to mention that, generally the most important features which are important for each delegation team in appointing the secretary general, are going to be mentioned in the position papers. Generally, each country (or delegation team) supports its nominated candidate indirectly (however mentioning the candidates’ names directly does not have any restrictions). Each delegation team emphasizes on the aspects which are most important for its country.

In this part of MUN Session, the representatives with prior permission & in order, read their position papers. Following the session, the president gave the floor to each delegation team to announce their opinions orally & start to have discussion, negotiation & sharing ideas. In this step, almost all the Security Council members announced their candidates namely expressly. As the supported candidate for Russian federation was Irina Bokova & New Zealand was Helen Clark, this issue made the session more challenging. Finally, through Consensus & without disagreement or veto of P5, Mr. Antonio Guterres, from Portugal, was appointed as the ninth & next UN Secretary General, The resolution was adopted, read, then the president announced the end of the session.

In the end & after adopting the resolution, the Director of Iranian Association for UN Studies, Dr. Nasrin Mosaffa, saying thanking words to Sir. Ambassador Assadi, Mrs.  Maria Dotsenko, & Mrs. Qayem Maqami, in cooperation and organizing the MUN, mentioned that the purpose of organizing such sessions & conferences, is promoting the capacities of scholars, improving their skills, and the talent of analyzing to present in internal & international arenas. Dr.Mosaffa, added that after 16 years of Iranian Association for UN Studies’ activities, this MUN was the first experience in this structure & regarding thanking the attendees, and expressing her gratitude from seeing the capacities & potential in the youth, requested the attendees to share their comments & opinions, in order to organize better sessions. Also announced that, the attendees will be awarded in the annual conference of Iranian Association for UN Studies.

The position papers of some of the delegation teams (in alphabetical order) is accessible as follows:


Britain (Permanent Member)

China (Permanent Member)


France (Permanent Member)


New Zealand




USA (Permanent Member)