Report of IAUNS Activities in the Field of Water
By Alireza Ranjbar
IAUNS has covered different aspects of United Nations activities during its life time one of which is the related issues to the water, specially the law of sea and the water law.
Among its recent activities, Association held a seminar on “Piracy in International Law” in Tehran on 2 January 2010. Emerging new kind of piracy in coast of Somalia and the Gulf of Aden that was recognized a treat to peace and international security by the UN Security Council from 2006, highlighting the importance of organize such an event.
A two-day seminar on “Developments of International Law of the Sea: Twenty Years after Entry into Force of the UNCLOS” was organized in Tehran on 11-12 December 2013. This event brought together government officials, practitioners, academia, experts and researchers to reflect on United Nations Convention on the Law of the sea and to discuss on challenges and achievements of the Convention.
The training course on the “Water Law” was held on 17-19 February 2014. Necessity of attention to the phenomenon of water crisis and water scarcity and need to take decisive steps toward management of water sources from the perspective of national and international law was the main theme of the course.
In May 2015, Association had opportunity to organizing an event in expert level in collaboration with Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran about “Current Developments of the Law of the Sea in the UN Framework”.
Ms Gabriele Goettsche-Wanli (Director of the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea) and Mr Vladimir Jares (Deputy Director, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea) from United Nations lectured on their Division and last achievements and challenges of the Law of the Sea and shared their experience with Iranian Professors.
This event was finished with discussion on the presented lectures.