Students learn more about the UN website on occasion of 30th anniversary of the CRC
Iranian Association of UN Studies (IAUNS) with cooperation of United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) organized a “Finding UN information and Documentation” workshop on occasion of World Children’s Day (20 November) and the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) with participation of some 20 students of international law and human rights from different universities at the UN conference room on 27 November 2019.
At the beginning of the session, UN Secretary-General's video Message to commemorate 30th anniversary of the CRC with the Persian subtitle was screened. Then UNIC Public Information Assistant Ms Nazanin Ghaemmaghami explained the background of the Day, Declaration of the Rights of the Child, in 1959, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in 1989. She also elaborated on the High-Level meeting of the General Assembly “Thirtieth Anniversary the adoption of the CRC ” – 20 November 2019. Committee on the Right of the Child and the related documents and resources were also introduced as well as status of CRC and its optional protocols. Attention was made to the point that Islamic Republic of Iran has joint the convention on June 1994 as well as the Optional Protocol to the CRC on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography on September 2007.
There was also a navigation on the Office of the High commissioner for Human Rights and the students learnt how to find documents and items such as “General Comments” on CRC through the Treaty Body Database.
UNICEF Executive Director Ms Henrietta H. Fore’s video on an open letter to the world’s children was also screened. On this video 8 reasons why she is worried, and hopeful, about the next generation was explained. The participants learnt where to find UNICEF Handbook entitled Implementation Handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
There was a review of the Frequently asked questions on the CRC from the UNICEF website. Through the webpage of Historical Archives of the Audiovisual Library of International Law, the participants learnt about the Procedural History of CRC and the related documents. A video on General Assembly, 44th Session, 61st Plenary Meeting, 20 November 1989: Adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was also screened.
One of the members of the student committee of IAUNS Ms Nahid Faraji found the workshop very useful and said she hopes they can have such training sessions more often.